We all finished our project #1 tours this week for studio. It wasn't a difficult project at all, but it was a nice short beginning project relating to Orvieto. Each group had to make a one page map with the tour route + sketches + info. Paper sizes in Europe are funky, they don't have 11x17 so it's different. It was cool to go on all the other students tours cuz we got to see spots I haven't been to yet. I still can't get over how breathtaking Orvieto is! It's just so cool to be raised up so much higher than the surroundings and seeing everything below & surrounding the hill, which makes for some spectacular views. The school + classes here are so relaxing. None of us have been worrying about school at all, it's just such a nice change from all the classes, studio + stress we've all been through the last few years. We're all just so happy to be here! We are going to Florence in the morning, and some of us are going to stay the night in a hostel tomorrow night. I'm pumped. And also my roommates and I just discovered a wireless internet connection near our apartment that we can connect to which is awesome!! Now I can get online at home instead of going to the bar all the time! By the way, the tiny tv we have in our kitchen has very few, very Italian channels, and so we frequently watch mtv and they have the craziest music videos--some Italian, some in english!! Hilarious.
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